Grief Counselling.
Grief Counselling - helping you cope with the overwhelming pain of bereavement & loss.
I feel furious and angry at the world.
I am anxious all the time.
I don’t feel anything. I’m just numb.
Why is this happening to me?
Do any of these sound like you? Perhaps they all do?
That’s perfectly natural.
Grief brings such a strong mixture of emotions that it can leave you feeling confused and concerned. One minute you feel ‘fine’, the next you can’t stop crying or find yourself shouting at someone for no reason.
It is simply exhausting trying to weather these changing emotional storms. Some people are so surprised at the strength of their feelings, they worry that they’re ‘going mad’ or that there’s ‘something wrong’ with them.
Again this is quite normal.
This is where Grief Counselling can help. It is a specialist form of therapy designed to support and guide you through the rough seas of grief and loss.
It is suitable for all ages, genders and background, whether this is your first experience of loss or the one that feels too much to bear.
Grief Counselling (including, Grief Movement Therapy) offers you a safe, non-judgemental space in which to:
acknowledge your pain
explore the many different and unexpected emotions you are going through
understand that your grieving process will be unique to you
be honest about how you feel without needing to ‘protect’ or ‘be strong’ for anyone else
remember and commemorate that which you have lost
discover the resources to accept your loss as part of your life
learn to reconnect to life and love again by growing around your grief.
Grief Therapy proceeds at the time and pace that is right for you. There is no fixed process or expectations.
The aim is to help you cope with your grief, find solace in your loss and rediscover a sense of meaning to life again.
I have undertaken many specialist trainings in grief work, including with Cruse Bereavement Care. I am a certified Grief Counsellor and certified Grief Educator® (having had the chance to train with leading grief expert David Kessler, Grief.com). I am also a ‘Grief First Aider’ after successfully completing the Cruse Bereavement Support ‘Grief First Aid’ program.
It is natural to have many questions and concerns about grief, loss and the grieving process. It is a stressful and confusing time. To help, I have tried to answer the most common questions people have and you can find them here on the Grief and Loss page.
If you have any further questions about grief, loss or how Grief Counselling may be able to help you and those dear to you, please do not hesitate to get in touch. And remember, there is no such thing as a ‘silly question’ – if it’s important to you, then it is important to me too.
Get in touch by phone, email or by using the form below: