Hypnotic interventions for
the cancer journey.
Hypno-oncology is a specialist branch of hypnotherapy that uses hypnotic interventions to help you on the cancer journey.
Any cancer diagnosis is likely to be a time of great stress, anxiety and powerful emotions. The cancer journey may be a long and daunting road, full of challenges ahead.
You may feel alone or overwhelmed.
Hypno-onocology can help you navigate this journey better. It employs therapeutic hypnosis alongside psychological techniques to assist you on your journey.
What could Hypno-oncology help me with?
This specialist form of hypnotherapy for the cancer journey is intended to to relieve the symptoms of cancer and the side-effects of treatment. It is not a treatment or a remedy for the cancer itself.
It could help:
reduce fears and phobias, such as a fear of needles, masks or confined spaces (claustrophobia)
you feel less anxious during and after chemotherapy
lessen common treatment side effects - such as nausea (sickness), numbness, hot flushes, and loss or distortion of taste (‘metallic mouth’)
reduce pain, including post surgery pain
enhance moods and general wellbeing
improve your quality of life
restore appetite and enjoyment of food
boost energy levels and increase physical activity levels.
You may also benefit from hypnotherapy if you are a relative or carer of someone on the cancer journey. You will be undergoing an extremely difficulty journey of your own and may well feel that you have to ‘stay strong’ for your loved one.
There is a growing body of research demonstrating the efficacy and usefulness of Hypno-oncology, you can read more about this on the website of the Association of Hypno-oncology. You can also read what Cancer Research UK, NICE and the NHS have to say about how hypnotherapy could help you on the cancer journey.
What are the benefits of Hypnotherapy for the cancer journey?
There are many potential benefits to using Hypno-oncology to support you on your cancer journey, these include:
safe - it doesn’t produce adverse effects
there are no side-effects
works well alongside medical treatment
better management of common treatment side-effects
temporary relief from symptoms
it is enjoyable - a chance to relax and enjoy some ‘me’ time
help you feel more in-control.
I am an Accredited Hypno-Oncology Practitioner with the Association of Hypno-oncology, and a Counsellor and Therapist for Cavendish Cancer Care. I have undertaken training in Understanding Cancer: For Integrative Therapists & Health Care Professionals at The Christie School of Oncology. If you have any further questions about Hypno-oncology or how hypnotherapy may be able to help you on the cancer journey, please do not hesitate to get in touch. And remember, there is no such thing as a ‘silly question’ – if it’s important to you, then it is important to me too.
You can get in touch by phone, email or by simply filling in the form below: