Overview of services for you
Therapy can make a big difference to your life.
Are you struggling? Do the feel stuck? Is the pain too much to face alone?
The good news is, therapy can help you move forward and enable you to change things for the better. You can benefit from the following services, tailored to suit you and your unique needs.
Grief Counselling.
Grief is our natural and normal response to the loss of something dear to us. This loss may be of a loved one - through death, divorce or relationship breakup - or it may be from the death of a pet, a redundancy or serious life-changing illness. It is common to feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. Grief counselling helps guide and support you through your bereavement to find greater hope and healing. More…
Hypno-oncology (or Hypnotherapy for Cancer) is a specialist branch of hypnotherapy that uses hypnotic interventions to help you on the cancer journey.
Hypno-onocology can help you navigate this journey better. It employs therapeutic hypnosis alongside psychological techniques to assist you on your journey. More…
C&M Hypnotherapy
Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapy (CMH) is a completely natural and safe procedure which uses the state of hypnosis to quickly and effectively treat a wide variety of conditions and problems. These issues can be both physiological (of the body) and psychological (of the mind). The benefits you experience from professionally given hypnosis can be long-lasting and, in many cases, permanent. More…
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is a psychological and behavioural approach to change that has been scientifically proven to help people overcome a wide range of personal challenges. CBT is about learning and applying new skills to create a better life. Simply put it can help you to change the way you think, feel and act to create a more positive experience of life. More…
When we find ourselves struggling and overcome by our issues, we can feel unbalanced, ‘out of sorts’ or ‘no longer ourselves’. Integrative psychotherapy is an approach that effectively combines different therapeutic tools to best fit you and your individual needs. The aim is to restore a sense of wholeness, so that you feel your best self again. More…
Stress Management.
We all face stressful times during our lives. And sadly more and more of us are suffering from the debilitating effects of stress as the pace of modern life speeds up. However, you can learn to better understand, respond to and manage the way you handle stress. This can help you better manage anxiety, discover greater resilience, feel more in control, and improve overall health and wellbeing. More…
NLP & Coaching.
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is often described as the art and science of excellence. It is based on the practical skills that are used by all good communicators to get the best results by exploring our thinking, feeling, language and behaviours. This makes it one of the most effective tools available for life-enhancing personal change and to achieve success in all areas of your life.
Meditation, including mindfulness, is a mental practice that helps you let go of your normal, over-active thinking mind so that a deeper state of awareness, insight and relaxation can emerge. There are many scientifically demonstrated benefits of meditating, including lowering blood pressure, boosting the immune system and reducing stress. And the good news is that everyone can learn to do it.
Many of us live in our heads for much of the time, caught up in troubling thoughts of worry, stress or fear. We can become disconnected from our physical self until it starts to tighten, tense or cause us pain and problems. However, through the proven practices of Body/Breath-work we can reconnect with ourselves - releasing tension, steadying the mind and regaining a sense of control.
You can find out more about therapy on the ‘Your Questions’ page. And if you have any further questions about my services and how they may be able to help you with the challenges you’re struggling with, please do not hesitate to get in touch. And remember, there is no such thing as a ‘silly question’ – if it’s important to you, then it is important to me too.
You can get in touch by phone, email or by simply filling in this form: