What can medical and clinical hypnotherapy treat?
Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapy (CMH) is a completely natural and safe procedure which uses the state of hypnosis to quickly and effectively treat a wide variety of conditions and problems. These issues can be both physiological (of the body) and psychological (of the mind). The benefits you experience from professionally administered hypnosis can be long-lasting and, in many cases, permanent.
What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy uses the practice of hypnosis to bring about a safe and natural altered state of consciousness. This state occurs naturally between being wide awake and fast asleep. It is both deeply relaxing and extremely pleasant - highly beneficial in itself.
This altered state of consciousness is one of focussed attention, heightened awareness and increased suggestibility. This makes it highly effective in bringing about change and relief through positive suggestion, metaphor and creative imagery.
Rest assured that you cannot be hypnotised against your will, nor made to do anything that you do not want to do.
What can hypnotherapy treat?
Medical and clinical hypnotherapy can be used to treat a number of conditions and to help to change habits. These can include helping you to:
Reduce stress, anxiety and panic
End fears and phobias - such as claustrophobia, agoraphobia, fear of needles, etc.
Control pain
Deal with the challenges of the cancer journey - see more about specialist Hypno-oncology or hypnotherapy for cancer
Boost self-confidence and boost self-esteem
Break bad habits and build positive new ones
Improve performance and increase success
Overcome sleep problems
Increase overall wellbeing and improve quality of life.
I hold a Diploma in Medical & Clinical Hypnotherapy, a Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma and am a Certified Hypno-oncology Practitioner. I am a registered member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. You will find full details of these, my other qualifications and professional accreditation on the ‘About Tobias J Oliver’ page.
If you have any further questions about how Medical & Clinical Hypnotherapy may be able to help you, please do not hesitate to get in touch. And remember, there is no such thing as a ‘silly question’ – if it’s important to you, then it is important to me too. Get in touch by phone, email or by using the form below: